Department of Pharmace Varendra universite

A wonderful discovery of science is pharmacy and medicine. with the increase in local and global demand for pharmacy graduates in pharmaceutical industrious,Academic and research institution,hospitals,government service and health related institution,the department of pharmacy.Varendra University, Rajshahi started its journey on January 2013.

the department of Pharmacy with approval from your city Grants Commission(UGC) and accreditation from pharmacy Council of Bangladesh(PCB),is currently running undergrad - uate course Bachelor of pharmacy or B.pharm.(Honors).this is a four year program divided into 8 semester(2 semeste)

The beauty of pharmacy

the department has highly qualified faculty members,modern,classrooms,sufficient research facilities and library services with large collection of books,articles and journal.the department is producing skilled, competent and efficient manpower in pharmaceutical,health, research and educational sector. 


Be a leading Institutions in pharmacy education,research and  practice where graduated will be prepared to lead in pharmaceutical industry, academic and allied sectors at home and aboard. 


to develop an provide the most comprehensive and highest quality pharma-cy education. 

To strength a learner-centered,research-oriented and need based teaching-larning environment.

To provide the nation with qualified graduate to excel in various pharmaceu-tical disciplines in accordance with international standards.

To improve the helth care system throught innovation and leadership in pharmacy  education,clinical practice and research. 

Admission Requirement 

Candidate mast hai aggregate GPA of 8.00(on a scale of 10 in ssc/Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent Examinations in science background,but not less than 3.50(5.00 scale) in each exam.A minimum GPA of 4.00(on a 5.00 scale) in chemistry and biology separately in both examinations must be obtained and a minimum GPA of 3.50(on a 5.00 scale) in Physics and Mathematics. 

In case of "O level " and "A level "there should be B grede in chemistry and Biology and minimum C grede in physics and mathematics. 

Candidate having no mathematics in HSC/equivalent can be admitted but they will need to take an extra 3 credit course on mathematics with B.pharm(Honors) curriculum. 

Candidate mast pass HSC /equivalent examination and current year or one previous year. two days with a diploma in Primary degree from an institution affiliated to the pharmacy Council can be admitted.

Facility  at a glance

Renowned Adjunct faculties from DU and RU 

waiver for the poor and meritorious students 

SSC and HSC:Up to 50% waiver for Golden GPA 5.00

Admission Test,semester final result,freedom fighters, siblings waiver. 

World class laboratory facilities with mordern equipment 

Madicinal Garden and Animal house 

Enriched library with thousands of books 

Extra care of weak students 

Research and career development opportunities 

Author's comments

  Dear readers, I hope you will like today's article, although we do not write English articles, if you like it, please comment and we will publish English articles.

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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